The time & date in Clark, Philippines is 2:17:29 AM, Saturday, March 15, 2025

List of restaurants in Manila and their wine corkage fees and policies

Manila restaurants stir up ill feelings with inconsistent implementation of wine policies and corkage fees charges as more and more customers bring their own bottle of wine when dining out. Irritation often turns to anger in some restaurants.

Wine has become an integral part of the dining scene in the Philippines as affluence reaches the population of major cities like Manila, Cebu, Angeles city, Subic and Clark Pampanga. Wine’s popularity has caught many restaurants in Manila by surprise. Even the best restaurants in Manila, Cebu and Pampanga are making a mad rush to upgrade their restaurants wine lists to avoid losing regular customers to competitors who offer a more interesting wine selection to their clientele.

In the meantime while the restaurants in Pampanga and Manila are still struggling to meet the demands and expectations of their customers, wine lovers turn to bringing their own bottle of wine when dining in a good restaurant in Manila. This B Y O B (Bring Your Own Bottle) practice has spread quickly as more and more people in the Philippines take advantage of low or zero tax and duties for wines in neighboring countries to bring home a few bottles of good vintage wines when they travel to Hong Kong and Singapore.

Most restaurants in Manila, Pampanga and Cebu charge a corkage fee for every bottle of wine that the customer ask the establishment to serve. Wine corkage charges have been known to cause friction and ill feelings with customers against restaurants in Manila. Manila residents often check the wine corkage fees when dining out in Manila, basing their choice of restaurants on the amount of money that a restaurant would charge them as wine corkage fees for the bottles of wines that they will bring in to the dining establishment.

Leading wine supplier in the Philippines, Yats Wine Cellars is well regarded by wine lovers not only for its fine collection of vintage wines but also for its efforts in promoting the wine lifestyle to the communities in Manila, Pampanga, Subic, Clark and Cebu. In addition to wine tasting, wine dinners, wine seminars and wine tasting clubs, this leading wine distribution in the Philippines has just added a public service for wine lovers in Manila who are used to bringing their own bottle of wine (B Y O B) whenever they dine out in a good restaurant in Manila.

Yats Wine Cellars has compiled and published a list that shows Manila’s frequent diners the corkage fees and wine policies of the popular restaurants in Manila. Just log on to this web site to browse this list:

As an avid wine drinker and someone who dines out frequently in Manila or Pampanga, you can also help to keep this list up to date by submitting your contribution. Simply contact Yats Wine Cellars through its web site to deposit information about corkage, wine policies and anything else you deem to be of interest to those who will drink wine at these establishments. Editor of this web site will include that into the next update after verifying the information. Here is the web site that you can log on to:

Yats Wine Cellars
Manila Sales Office
3003C East Tower, Phil Stock Exchange Center,
Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig,
Metro Manila, Philippines 1605
Tel: (632) 637-5019 0917-520-4393 0926-686-5955
Ask for Rea, Gerlyn or Din Din

Clark Wine Center
Bldg 6460 Clark Observatory Building
Manuel A. Roxas Highway corner A Bonifacio Ave,
Clark Field, Clark Air Base,
Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines 2023

Tel: 0917-826-8790 (045) 599-5600 0922-870-5173
Ask for Marissa or Glynis

Yats Wine Cellars started opening small boutique-sized convenience wine shops in major locations of Manila. Through these wine outlets in Manila, Yats Wine Cellars hope to bring interesting selections of fine vintage wines to wine lovers in Manila at attractive prices. Check out the boutique wine shop located on the lobby of Oakwood Premier Hotel in Ortigas, a convenience wine outlet that offers 300 selections of quality wines at attractive prices, open seven days a week.

Call (632) 585-9706 or 0917-817-8854 for inquiries and orders.

To keep abreast of the wine scene in the Philippines and neighboring cities in Asia including Hong Kong and China, become a friend on Facebook with Yats.Wine

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 Restaurants and Bars in Clark, Pampanga





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